Creativity for the Rest of Us
Currently Browsing: Manifesting

Letting Go of Expectations

Last summer when I was feeling stuck my coach suggested I write with my left hand for a while. Thanks to Julia Cameron and The Artist’s Way, I’ve been writing Morning Pages for over 15 years. Morning Pages is an exercise where you write 3 pages fast, in long hand, first thing every morning to clear the clutter that accumulates in your mind overnight.  Writing with my left hand was going to require some serious...

The Bamboo Dance

I’ll be blunt.  If you don’t develop flexibility, you are in for a rocky road.  There is more change coming at us faster than we’ve ever known and it is not going away anytime soon. Consider the bamboo reed – whipping about in the wind, bending so far at times as to touch the ground before springing back up – but it doesn’t break.  Bamboo is the very definition of flexibility – ready and able to change so as to...

Look for the Synchronicity

Carl Jung defined synchronicity as “a meaningful coincidence of two or more events, where something other than the probability of chance is involved.” Some call it serendipity or “mere” coincidence. In a conversation with the late Joseph Campbell, Bill Moyers refers to “the hidden hands” that seem to guide us along when we are on the right path. This is how it feels to live in creative flow. Everything, absolutely...

Scathingly Brilliant Ideas

I’ve got the most scathingly brilliant idea! – Haley Mills It is natural to want reassurance especially when we are treading into new territory. The work is to look for it in the right places. Do not go to the person in your life who has always been the most critical and expect to find it there. Especially if what you want reassurance for is something that will upset their status quo. Find a person or...

Do or do not

In my twenties while I was “finding myself” in various workshops of the then burgeoning Human Potential movement, the concept of there is no such thing as trying took root in me. Think about it, you either do something or you don’t do it. You pick up the pencil or you don’t. You may not succeed at a task or a goal but once you begin, you are in the realm of action. Succeeding is not the point. Action is and...
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