Creativity for the Rest of Us

The Sacrament of the Present Moment


Sometimes it takes me what seems like forever to actually dive into a creative project, life change or new habit that has been nudging away to get my attention. I get caught up in a spin of how to start, what the result will look like, how it will be when I’ve achieved what I want – with all the pros and cons that clutter up the back seat as they tag along for the ride.

I often find myself future tripping when I sit down to write. I want to be useful, thoughtful, and relevant – a worthy goal. Where I get blocked is in the unrealistic desire to write the blog to end all blogs. The one that will be so transformative that it changes peoples lives. That’s a lot of pressure and is ego driven. And, oh yeah, that’s not my job.

In the midst of one of those spins this morning, I was reminded of something I’ve heard my dear friend, Nancy, say on many occasions: “Do not miss the sacrament of the present moment.”

In this present moment, my beloved, aging cat Bella – the special pet that crawled up inside my heart and moved in – is lying on my left arm as I type – obscuring the keyboard. She will not be with us for much longer. I treasure these moments so I let her stay.

It makes for slower writing and longer proofreading – not the most efficient way to work. It also offers the warmth of her body, her gentle purr and the grace of these moments together as the sun tenderly bathes us both in the soft rays of a new day.

The movie, Boyhood, is a story told over a period of twelve years that strings together pearls of present moments. Not the usual plot line of major obstacle to triumph over. Rather, just like life, a mesmerizing series of present moments – sacraments – that when strung together represent the depth, richness, and texture of who we are.

The origins of the word sacrament come from Middle English, Old French, Latin, and Greek – solemn oath, hallow, holy, sacred, and mystery.

Being fully present – with yourself, another person, an animal, a blog post, or Mother Nature – is holy time. When we slow down and can be present we enter sacred space where the past doesn’t matter, the future is irrelevant, and mysteries are revealed.

Be present at Women at the Well.  A few seats left for the next retreat March 27-29, 2015.


One Response to “The Sacrament of the Present Moment”

  1. Anand says:

    Beautiful Post!

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