Creativity for the Rest of Us

Look For The Signs

Grace FeherCorrigan


In my top 10 list of favorite TEDTalks is Neil Pasricha’s the 3 A’s of Awesome. Neil started a blog to deal with heartache by savoring life’s simple pleasures.  He offers The 3 A’s to Leading a Life That’s Truly Awesome.

1.  Attitude—Life ain’t gonna go according to plan.  There are 2 two things you can do: stay stuck where you are or grieve, face the future and choose to move on.

2. Awareness— Embrace your inner three year old.  Remember that you once saw everything for the first time, too.

3.  Authentic— Follow your heart and be cool being you.  (Don’t miss Rosie Greer’s surprising passion.)

With this message fresh in mind I set out on a morning hike up the waterfall trail in San Pedro Park.   As I rounded the first bend there was a large letter “A” represented by a fallen piece of eucalyptus bark lying smack dab in the middle of my path.  I was amused at the apparition and pulled out my handy iPhone to snap a picture.  Wondering where else the letter “A” appears in nature, I continued the hike looking for the signs.  The banner photo for this post shows 3 of the numerous examples I found*.

I was delighted to be reminded that we always get more of what we look for.  Some of the A’s were abstract and would only be recognized by my slightly twisted perspective.  That doesn’t matter. It made sense to me.

The number 3 is an archetype for natural law and signals that something wants our attention. When a sign comes up 3 times it’s an invitation to stop and take notice.

There are signs all around us.  Animal visitations, random signage and billboards, a word or gesture from a stranger you notice in passing, a line from a book that jumps out at you.  Any of these could provide valuable information and insight about an issue you’re working with or wondering about.

This week I’ve been learning about acceptance (hey, another A!) while lying flat on my back from a gardening injury.  From this new perspective here are some of the awesome things I’m appreciating: icepacks, slip on shoes, responsive health care, elastic waistbands, helpful and patient family members, flowers from the garden, the “watch instantly” feature on Netflix, affectionate cats, time to stare out the window and rest.

*Thanks to Grace FeherCorrigan for the photo editing



Watch the 3 A’s of awesome and start your own list.  Check out Neil’s website 1000 Awesome Things for added inspiration.

2 Responses to “Look For The Signs”

  1. Deidre Combs says:


    Thank you for this fabulous post and the important reminder to keep looking for the signs. As I initially took in your photos I thought, “wow, she must have had to really comb the web for those,” only to realize that you had simply walked your talk to gather them! Beautiful and powerful symbols to follow this practice.

    I hope your back is feeling better and know how much I value your insight.

    Best, Deidre

  2. Thank you, Dee. Hope all is well with you and your posse. xoxoMary


  1. Acceptance is the answer | - [...] a very unglamorous tumble in the driveway and broke a bone in my foot.  I haven’t hit the magic…

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