Creativity for the Rest of Us

Feel the Awkward and Do It Anyway

I’ve been blessed to work in what some would call exotic places around the world. When I travel so far from home (and the client is paying for my flight), it seems downright negligent not to extend the trip to explore a new place.  I love to travel and take great delight in learning about cultures different from my own.

I have had some wonderful adventures and they all come with a good story.  Anyone who knows me knows I love a good story. What I don’t usually talk about is how excruciatingly awkward I can feel alone on an adventure. I’m way outside of my comfort zone for a good deal of the trip.  It’s not about safety – I don’t put myself in situations that are a threat to my personal safety.

Alone, I can spend lots of time second-guessing and judging myself.  Most of the real work is managing my monkey mind of what I think I “should” be doing. When I find myself rehearsing the story I’ll tell of the experience before the experience is even over, I know I’m in the realm of concern over what others will think and not in the present moment.

An ah-ha came when I recognized – and was able to stop judging – that I’m generally more comfortable with a companion when venturing out into new territory.  This doesn’t mean that I only try new things with a trusty sidekick.  It’s about knowing and recognizing the areas where we’re challenged to stretch and grow.  I don’t ever want to hold myself back from a juicy adventure because I don’t have someone to go with me.

Expressing our own unique creativity can feel like an adventure into new territory.  It may be awkward at first to stretch outside our comfort zone.  Don’t expect to love every moment of the newness right away.  At times you may have to make yourself do things even if you don’t want to.  Over time, it gets easier and feels more natural.


Learn how you “travel” best.  What is the balance of stretching and safety you need?  What qualities in yourself can you count on in any situation, no matter what?  When do you need reassurance and who are the appropriate allies to go to for it? Don’t let awkwardness or fear hold you back from exploring something that excites you.

2 Responses to “Feel the Awkward and Do It Anyway”

  1. Hazel says:

    Yes, how right you are! I went on a writing retreat by myself and spent a couple of awkward days watching myself try to execute what I had had in mind I’d do, sort of like painting by numbers a still-life of myself being there, worked out in advance. I couldn’t write a thing. I felt like a mess. Then little tiny twists of desire started up–to walk away up the hills, swim in a creek, and eat a prickly pear off the bush (bad idea). I can count on those little whims the more I listen to them. I had a wild time. And then came home and wrote. Thanks for your great blog!

  2. fireball says:

    There’s something brave and wonderful when I make the chose of – going through the uncomfortable moments in my life lately. I find not only have I felt uneasy about doing something and doing it anyway but the gratefulness and smile as I had allowed myself the moment of doing what I wanted to even though there was some uncomfortableness. When I’ve arrived to the other side – life seems lighter and I smile – at what is possible. I’ve practiced a lot and will continue to practice and practice. I believe this is life knocking at my door giving me the opportunity to experience my adventures and explore with curiosity.

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